The journal Ecología Política invites authors to send their article proposals for its next issue, number 67.


We live in a system with an insatiable appetite for materials. Economic growth has increased in parallel with the material base of the economic system. Waste is the other side of the coin. Everything that enters the system, sooner or later, exits. Just as the material provision of the system’s inputs generates impacts and conflicts, so also the outputs.

In this issue of Ecología Política Jorunal, we want to illustrate this problem and share various perspectives on the following thematic axles:

  • Socio-environmental conflicts related to waste management: sacrificed zones, landfills, incinerators, effluents, etc.
  • Paradigmatic cases of regions or companies with poor waste management.
  • Waste colonialism: legal or illegal transfers of waste originated in the industrialized countries.
  • False solutions: greenwashing and downcycling.
  • Impacts of waste management on human and ecosystem health.
  • Critique of the conception, application, or scope of waste policies, whether national, state, or global (e.g., Basel Convention and its amendments or Global Plastics Treaty).
  • Impact of waste management on climate change: opportunities and challenges.
  • Social subjects: trash-laden bodies-territories. Disputes, demands, and achievements (e.g., recycler movement, trash-laden communities, decentralized organic waste managers).
  • Successful cases of waste management with zero waste strategies.
  • Positive experiences of including the informal recycling sector.
  • Food waste: trends and opportunities for prevention.
  • Intersection between zero waste strategies and agroecology.

For article proposals based on case studies, we recommend that they are written for general interest (e.g. widely applicable problems or lessons).

This issue will be published in DECEMBER 2024



The submission of articles will take place in two steps.

  1. Article proposal submission (250 words max.). Deadline: 18th July 2024

Once received, the proposals will be evaluated by experts in the subject and by the issue’s guest editors. The authors whose proposals are selected will be invited to send a complete manuscript. The invitation to submit the full manuscript does not ensure its publication, as manuscripts will then undergo a further review process.

  1. Submission of the final version of the article (to be translated from English to Spanish, if necessary): 15th September 2024


Abstracts and the final versions of the articles should be sent to the following e-mail address: